
Active filter: Book: John (x) , Date
Preacher: Michael Argabrite (47), Mark Webb (1), Joe Ward (1), Mike Yates (1).
Service: Sunday Morning (49), Laurelville (1).
Date: 2018 (3), 2020 (17), 2021 (3), 2022 (21), 2023 (5), 2024 (1)

Sermons (50)

"For the Father Loves the Son"
John 5:20 (Part of the Jesus...The Son of God (John 5) series).
Preached by Michael Argabrite on September 13, 2020 (Sunday Morning).
"I Can Do Nothing..."
John 5:19-23 (Part of the Jesus...The Son of God (John 5) series).
Preached by Michael Argabrite on September 6, 2020 (Sunday Morning).
Jesus...The Son of God, Part 3
John 5:17-23 (Part of the Jesus...The Son of God (John 5) series).
Preached by Michael Argabrite on August 30, 2020 (Sunday Morning).
The Sabbath, Part 2
John 5:16-18 (Part of the Jesus...The Son of God (John 5) series).
Preached by Michael Argabrite on August 2, 2020 (Sunday Morning).
The Sabbath
John 5:17-18 (Part of the Jesus...The Son of God (John 5) series).
Preached by Michael Argabrite on July 26, 2020 (Sunday Morning).
Jesus, the Son of God, Part 2
John 5:1-18 (Part of the Jesus...The Son of God (John 5) series).
Preached by Michael Argabrite on July 19, 2020 (Sunday Morning).
Jesus, the Son of God
John 5:1-9 (Part of the Jesus...The Son of God (John 5) series).
Preached by Michael Argabrite on July 12, 2020 (Sunday Morning).
Hearing, Following, and Trusting
John 10:22-30 (Part of the Doctrines of Grace series).
Preached by Michael Argabrite on May 27, 2018 (Sunday Morning).
The Doctrines of Grace in Action
John 6:23-71 (Part of the Doctrines of Grace series).
Preached by Mike Yates on May 13, 2018 (Sunday Morning).
The Doctrine of Limited Atonement
John 10:11-18 (Part of the Doctrines of Grace series).
Preached by Michael Argabrite on April 22, 2018 (Sunday Morning).
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