
Citizens of Heaven: Remembering Our Destiny (Revelation 1:1-22:21)

Larry McCall, August 11, 2024
Part of the Laurelville 2024 series, preached at a Laurelville service

The book of Revelation is Jesus's revelation, given to John. It points to "the things that must soon take place" (1:1) and counters the assumptions that what we see is all there is and that life is purposeless, just run by chance. "My life sometimes feels out of control, because I'm *not* in control--but God *is* in control, and his control is purposeful."

Four scenes that summarize the storyline of Revelation:

I. Scene one: The throne room (4:1-11) The throne is occupied; the King is in charge.

II. Scene two: Opening the scroll (5:1-14) There is a worthy one, the Lamb, who opens the scroll and reveals God's saving purposes.

III. Scene three: The thunder of God's righteous judgment (6:1-19:5) God brings perfect justice, the justice we've longed for, and justice that leads to worship.

IV. Scene four: Paradise Restored (19:6-22:21) The marriage of the Lamb, the Curse removed, face to face with God forever.

The world keeps shouting at us to pay attention, to fall in line. If we citizens of heaven are to live in this world, we must look higher, look farther!


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